Why Choose HWRT?
Since 1976, HWRT has worked closely with customers to provide them with the solutions they need for gasoline and fuel supply.
HWRT feels a responsibility to provide customers with a consistent and dependable supply of gasoline and fuel at a competitive price. This commitment to our customers is the driving force and mission of HWRT.
Discover Flexible Service That Conforms To Your Needs and Supplies Customized Solutions…
With Customer Purchasing Options…
Customers have many different options when purchasing product from HWRT. These options include, but are not limited to:
- Daily pricing FOB the load rack
- Fixed price contracts ranging from 10 days to 2 years
- Indexed price contracts ranging from 3 months to 1 year
- Flexible pricing options include triggers, caps and floors
- Throughput agreements for committed volumes 1 year or longer
With People…
Our personnel play an important role in maintaining HWRT as a complete petroleum connection. We take pride in focusing on our customers while relying on over 500 years (average tenure is 18 years) of combined experience in the petroleum industry.
With Multiple Supply Points…
HWRT has product available at many terminals throughout the Central U.S. By having dependable product at various locations, our customers have the ability to take advantage of market disparities. In addition to our current supply points, we have interest in expanding our marketing footprint into new markets that are beneficial to both our customers and HWRT.
With Technology…
All HWRT company owned terminals utilize a terminal automation system. This system provides convenience and security for our customers. It also has the ability to provide real-time BOL transmissions and allocation control by linking to industry leading information suppliers like TDS and TABS.